Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the information contained in the First Nation Profiles come from?

The First Nation Profiles is not itself a database. The information displayed here is extracted from a number of different databases administered separately by different sectors within Indigenous Services Canada and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada. These databases include the Band Governance Management System (BGMS), Indian Lands Registration System (ILRS), Grants and Contributions Management System (GCIMS), the Band Name System, and the Indian Register System (IRS). Information in the profiles is also gathered from the Statistics Canada Census.

How current is the information contained in the First Nation Profiles?

The majority of information in the profiles is updated daily, including First Nation and Tribal Council names, addresses, reserve/settlement information, and governance details. Population statistics are updated monthly. Geographical information and Federal Funding information is updated annually. Census information is updated once every five years.

How accurate is the information contained in the First Nation Profiles?

The information contained in the Community Profiles is extracted from the authoritative source systems used for the ongoing operations of the department. Maintaining high quality data is important to the Department however, inconsistencies are occasionally overlooked. If you spot inaccuracies in the profiles, please contact the Indigenous Services Canada Reference Desk at

Why cant I find any information on Northern communities?

First Nation and Northern communities are administered separately within Indigenous Services Canada. Therefore different databases have been developed over the years to manage the activities concerning the different communities. The information in the First Nation Profiles is often not available for Northern communities or is not consistent with the data displayed here.

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