Workforce Characteristics

Official Name
Sachigo Lake

Workforce Characteristics 2016 2006
Total Male Female Total Male Female
Labour Force Indicators  
Participation rate 73.4 75.9 73.5 64.8 75.0 57.7
Employment rate 53.1 62.1 50.0 50.0 57.1 38.5
Unemployment rate 27.7 22.7 36.0 22.9 19.0 33.3
Population 15 years and over 320 145 175 265 140 130
Agriculture, resource based 10 10 0 10 10 0
Manufacturing, construction 20 20 0 15 15 0
Wholesale, retail 20 10 10 10 10 0
Finance, real estate 0 0 0 0 0 0
Health, education 60 20 40 50 15 45
Business services 10 0 0 10 0 0
Transportation, warehousing 15 0 10 10 0 10
Other services 70 40 25 100 60 40
Population 15 years and over 320 145 175 265 140 130
Management 40 10 25 Not available Not available Not available
Natural sciences, health 20 0 0 Not available Not available Not available
Social sciences, gov't 30 10 20 Not available Not available Not available
Sales and service 50 25 25 Not available Not available Not available
Trades and related 45 40 10 Not available Not available Not available
Primary industry 10 0 0 Not available Not available Not available
Other Occupations 10 10 0 Not available Not available Not available

Ontario 2016 2006
Total Male Female Total Male Female
Labour Force Indicators  
Participation rate 64.7 69.1 60.6 67.1 72.5 62.1
Employment rate 59.9 63.9 56.1 62.8 68.1 57.8
Unemployment rate 7.4 7.5 7.4 6.4 6.0 6.8
Population 15 years and over 11,038,440 5,342,755 5,695,685 9,819,420 4,744,710 5,074,710
Agriculture, resource based 149,870 104,185 45,695 153,410 106,760 46,645
Manufacturing, construction 1,236,445 958,840 277,605 1,375,440 1,028,185 347,255
Wholesale, retail 1,149,650 588,870 560,780 1,125,135 564,360 560,775
Finance, real estate 557,765 260,845 296,920 472,715 204,995 267,725
Health, education 1,389,305 326,215 1,063,080 1,138,685 270,325 868,365
Business services 1,006,715 557,370 449,330 868,595 471,095 397,500
Transportation, warehousing 352,375 258,050 94,325 327,750 240,750 87,000
Other services 1,736,960 841,495 895,465 1,592,540 766,380 826,160
Population 15 years and over 11,038,440 5,342,755 5,695,685 9,819,420 4,744,710 5,074,710
Management 2,054,395 891,875 1,162,515 Not available Not available Not available
Natural sciences, health 1,017,350 515,940 501,405 Not available Not available Not available
Social sciences, gov't 904,550 288,790 615,760 Not available Not available Not available
Sales and service 1,821,080 786,535 1,034,545 Not available Not available Not available
Trades and related 994,020 926,810 67,205 Not available Not available Not available
Primary industry 131,435 101,245 30,190 Not available Not available Not available
Other Occupations 656,250 384,685 271,565 Not available Not available Not available

A key objective of the revised National Occupation Classification (NOC) developed in 2011 was to harmonize the coding structures and to eliminate all other differences between the NOC of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada 2006, and Statistics Canada’s NOC for Statistics 2006. Due to this structural realignment, occupational data for years 2006 and 2016 are not directly comparable. As a result, comparisons between 2016 and 2006 are limited to the “Population 15 years and over" only.

*Disclaimer on Census material:

Due to a different methodology used to impute on reserve dwellings in the voluntary 2011 National Household Survey, Statistics Canada recommends the use of 2006 as a point of reference when making historical comparisons.

First Nations whose affiliated Indian reserves (or equivalent census subdivisions) opted not to participate in the Census have no data available, and First Nations whose affiliated communities totalled less than 40 individuals are suppressed by Statistics Canada. Furthermore, the affiliated census subdivisions may be subject to varying degrees of undercoverage measured by Data Quality indices. In 2006, information for individual communities with global non-response (GNR) rates of 25% or higher were automatically suppressed by Statistics Canada. In 2016, Statistics Canada lowered the threshold so that individual communities with GNR rates of 50% or higher were suppressed from their 2016 standard products. It is important to note, however, that data for an entire First Nation may or may not be suppressed depending on the overall GNR rate.

Different thresholds are applied to income. At the individual level, all income data for First Nations whose affiliated communities totalled less than 250 persons are suppressed. At the household level, suppression was applied to First Nations whose affiliated communities totalled less than 250 individuals or 40 households.

The socio-economic indicators presented on this page are derived from special tabulations prepared for ISC by Statistics Canada from the 2006 and 2016 Censuses of Population. All of the information provided here is believed to be accurate and valid in the context of Statistics Canada's mandate to collect and disseminate census information on all Canadians as specified in the Statistics Act. ISC does not warrant these data or accept responsibility for any omissions or inaccuracies inadvertently contained in this presentation.

Procedures are applied to prevent the possibility of associating statistical data with any identifiable individual: the data are randomly rounded and they are suppressed for certain geographic areas. Random rounding is a method whereby all figures in a tabulation including totals are randomly rounded (either up or down) to a multiple of 5 and in some cases 10. This technique provides strong protection against direct residual or negative disclosure without adding significant error to the census data. Minor differences can be expected in corresponding totals and cell values among census tabulations. Small cell counts may suffer a significant distortion as a result of random rounding.

For further information about the limitations of census data, and in particular data collected by reserve, the user is directed to the following weblink: Statistics Canada.

For further information about the data posted here, please contact the Strategic Research and Statistics Directorate at 1-800-567-9604 or by e-mail at
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